Jean Baechler

Jean Baechler Jean Baechler, born 28 March 1937 in Thionville (Moselle) and died 13 August 2022 in Draveil, was a French academic and sociologist.

Full professor and later emeritus of Historical sociology at the Sorbonne, he was a member of the ''Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques'', elected on 6 December 1999 to the Sociology section. to the seat vacated by the transfer of Alain Besançon.

His major contributions to the field of anthropological and historical sociological knowledge pertain to a philosophical overhaul of the human sciences (or general anthropology), a general theory of 'power' and political regimes, the long-term history of democratic regimes in relation to various types of social organization (bands, tribes, cities, nations), the history of social morphologies, a non-relativistic virtue ethics, and a sociological explanation of the conditions underpinning the emergence of major religious and secular metaphysics, particularly during the Axial Age. Provided by Wikipedia
BMLIK By Baechler, Jean
Date 1972
Bibliotheek François Vercammen By Baechler, Jean
Date 1968