
Lefebvre (; commonly in English-speaking countries, as well as or ) is a common northern French surname. Alternative forms include ''Lefebvre'', ''le Febvre'', ''Le Febvre'', ''Lefèbvre'', ''le Fèbvre'', ''Le Fèbvre'', as well as the common variant Lefèvre (''le Fèvre'', ''Le Fèvre''; anglicized ''Lefevre'', ''le Fevre'', ''Le Fevre'', ''LeFevre'', ''LeFever''). Dialectal variants include Lefevere (Belgium), Lefebre, Lefeuvre (western France), and Lefébure (northern France and Normandy).

The name derives from ''faber'', the Latin word for "craftsman", "worker"; used in Late Latin in Gaul to mean smith. In the Occitan and Arpitan extension area, the variation is ''Fabre'', ''Favre'', ''Faure'', ''Favret'', ''Favrette'' or ''Dufaure'' and in Corsica ''Fabri'' (cf. Italian ''Fabbri'', ''Fabri''). In Celtic-speaking Brittany, the corresponding name is ''Le Goff(ic)'', with the article ''le'' to translate Breton ''ar''. Many northern French surnames (especially in Normandy) are used with the definite masculine article as a prefix (Lefebvre, Lefèvre; a more archaic spelling is ''Le Febvre''), with the contracted masculine article as a prefix (''Dufaure'') in the south of France, or without article/prefix (''Favre'', ''Faure'') in the south of France, but the meaning is the same.

For Anglophone purposes, the name has evolved, especially in the United States and Anglophone regions of Canada—mainly by Acadians, among whom it is also a common surname, yielding not only Lefevre and LeFever, but also ''Lafevre'', ''Lafever'', ''Lefavre'', ''LeFave'', ''LaFave'', as well as other variant spellings. The English surname ''Feaver'' is also derived from Lefebvre. Provided by Wikipedia
Showing 1 - 20 results of 74 for search 'Lefèvre', query time: 0.01s Refine Results1
  1. 1
    Het fonds omvat niet meer dan één doos en met losse archivalia.
    By Lefèvre, Antoine
    Date 1957-1988
  2. 2
    Detail uit een foto van de Marxkring. Gent, Bagattenstraat, Feestlokaal Vooruit: 1905.
    By Lefevre, Johan
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    Affiche uitgegeven in 1977 door de Rode Leeuwen voor de parlementsverkiezingen. Tekst: 15 BSP. R. De Wulf lijsttrekker Kamer. Nu is ...

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    By Rode Leeuwen, Lefèvre, Antoine
    Date 1977-1977
  8. 8
    Affiche voor de verkiezingen van 1977. Tekening: gestileerde leeuwenkop - logo. Tekst: 15 ...de rode leeuwen zetten er de tanden ...

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    By BSP-Rode Leeuwen, Lefèvre, Antoine
    Date 1977
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    Affiche uitgegeven in 1985 door de Socialistische Partij (SP) Vilvoorde voor de parlementsverkiezingen. Tekst: Roger De Wulf. Lijsttrekker Senaat SP. ...

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    By SP Vilvoorde, Lefèvre, Antoine
    Date 1985-1985
  11. 11
    Affiche uitgegeven in 1987 door de Socialistische Partij (SP) Vilvoorde voor de parlementsverkiezingen. Tekst: Roger De Wulf Senaat. SP met z'n ...

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    By SP Vilvoorde, Lefèvre, Antoine
    Date 1987-1987
  12. 12
    Verzamelde getuigenissen ter gelegenheid van de 125ste verjaardag van de onafhankelijkheid van België. Exemplaar gedrukt ter attentie van Edouard Anseele ...

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    By Nowé, Henri, Lefevre, Joseph, Bolsée, J.
    Date 1955
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    Academische zitting gehouden te Brussel op 3 juni 1964 ter gelegenheid van de tiende verjaring van de Gemeenschappelijke Verklaring over ...

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    By Major, Louis, Lefèvre, Theo, Spinoy, Antoon
    Date 1964
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    38e Statutair Congres gehouden op 8 en 9 september 1962
    By Lefevre, Marcel
    Date 1962