
Milieudefensie (Dutch for "environmental defense") is a Dutch environmental organisation, founded on 6 January 1971, by a group of scientists in response to a report by the Club of Rome. It is the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth. Milieudefensie is part of the 30 national organisations that Friends of the Earth Europe represents and unites at the European level.

Milieudefensie's mission is a good life for all people on earth and for generations to come. Its focus is on climate justice, more specifically a fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of solutions to the climate crisis. In recent years its focus is specifically on corporate accountability in relation to the climate crisis.

Milieudefensie has approximately 90,000 members and a support base of 175,000 people. It engages its support base in its activities, which are a combination of public campaigns, legal actions and political lobbying. Provided by Wikipedia
Showing 1 - 10 results of 10 for search 'Milieudefensie', query time: 0.01s Refine Results1
  1. 1

    Date 1989
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    Date 1991
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    Date 1991
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    Periodiciteit: zes tot achtmaal per jaar
    Date 2001-2006
  8. 8
    Periodiciteit : verschijnt 10x per jaar
    Date 1993-2006
    “…Vereniging Milieudefensie…”
  9. 9
    Affiche uitgegeven in (1988) door Centrum voor Energiebesparing (CE), Consumentenbond, De Kleine Aarde, Fietsersbond ENFB, Stichting Natuur en Milieu (SNM), ...

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    By Centrum voor Energiebesparing (CE), Consumentenbond, De Kleine Aarde, Fietsersbond ENFB, Stichting Natuur en Milieu, Vereniging Milieudefensie, Stop de Kindermoord, Voetgangersvereniging VBV
    Date 1988
  10. 10
    Affiche van Opland (Rob Wout) en Conny van den Bussche uitgegeven in 1995 door Milieudefensie Amsterdam tegen de uitbreiding van ...

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    By Wout, Rob, van den Bussche, Conny, Milieudefensie
    Date 1995-1995