3521Zwart-witfoto van het graven van een schuilkelder in de buurt van Londen vlak voor het uitbreken van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, ...“…This photograph, which was taken at the time of last year's September crisis, shows the construction of a typical underground shelter, hundreds of miles of which have now been dug and fully completed in the London area and in other large cities throughout the country. …”
Date 1939-10-31
3522Zwart-witfoto van een anti-nazistische optocht van overlevenden van de concentratiekampen in Londen, georganiseerd tegen het opkomend neo-nazisme in Europa, 17 ...“…Opschrift achteraan: "Nazi camp survivor in protest parade. London: a silent march through Londen from Marble Arch to the German Embassy was organised today by members of the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and women, in protest at signs of Nazi resurgence in Europe. …”
By United Press Photos
Date 1960-01-17