21“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
22“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
23“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
24“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
25Fabian and other Publications. Vol. 60 n°9“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
Date 1949
26Fabian and other Publications. Vol. 60 n°10“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
Date 1949
27Fabian and other Publications. Vol. 60 n°11“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
Date 1949
28Fabian and other Publications.“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
Date [1950]
29“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
30Fabian and other Publications. N°6“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
Date 1952
31“…London: New Fabian Research Bureau…”
32Fabian and other Publications. N°7“…London: Fabian Publications Ltd…”
Date 1952
33Fabian and other Publications.“…London: Fabian Colonial Bureau Pampphlet…”
Date 1952
34“…London: Fabian Society…”