1061“…New York: New York University Press…”
Date 1930
1063“…New York: Simon & Schuster…”
1065“…New York: Lesbian Herstory Educational Foundation…”
1066“…New York: Notes From the Second Year, Inc.…”
1067“…New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons…”
1068“…New York: Pantheon Books…”
1069“…New York: Doubleday, Doran & Co.…”
1070“…New York: New York Labor News Company…”
1071“…New York: The MacMillan Company…”
1072Bibliotheek Camille Huysmans“…New York: Research Department der American Association for a Democratic Germany…”
Date 1946
1073“…New York: George H. Doran Company…”
1074“…New York: Belgian Government Information Center…”
1075“…New York: Farrar, Straus & Young…”
1076“…New York: W.W. Norton & Company…”
1077“…New York: Columbia University Press…”
1078“…New York: Macmillan…”
1079“…New York: Pergamon Press…”
1080“…New York: Grove Press…”