4Affiche uitgegeven in 2004 door het United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) voor vrouwenrechten. Afbeelding: close-up van een jonge vrouw. Tekst recto: vote ...“…Implement fully international humanitarian and human rights law protecting the rights of women and girls, migrants and refugees during and after conflicts and hold accountable to the fullest extent of the law those who engage in sexual violence, exploitation, trafficking and other crimes. 21. …”
By Real Design Associates, United Nations Population Fund
Date 2004
5Affiche uitgegeven in 1983 door Amnesty International Verenigd Koninkrijk voor een campagne tegen marteling. Tekst: amnesty international TWELVE-POINT PROGRAM FOR THE ...“…In accordance with international law, the prohibition of torture must not be suspended under any circumstances, including states of war or other public emergency. 8 Prosecution of alleged torturers. …”
By Redesign, Amnesty International United Kingdom
Date 1983-1983