2Affiche uitgegeven in 2004 door het United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) voor vrouwenrechten. Afbeelding: close-up van een jonge vrouw. Tekst recto: vote ...“…Promote men’s understanding of their roles and responsibilities with regard to reproductive health and the reproductive rights of men and women, supporting their partners’ as well as their own access to reproductive health care, including family planning services, helping to prevent unwanted pregnancy and reducing the transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS. 13. …”
By Real Design Associates, United Nations Population Fund
Date 2004
3Affiche van een campagne voor gelijke rechten, uitgegeven door ILGA Europe in 2007. Tekst: Different families, same love, all entitled to ...“…Many pension schemes offer particular benefits to family members but do not recognise lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender partner's. This can leave the surviving partner's of LGBT families without the financial support that they would otherwise be entitled to on their partner's death simply because of they sexual orientation or gender identity. …”
By ILGA Europe
Date 2007