1“…Washington D.C.: AFL…”
2“…Washington D.C.: Cato Institute…”
3Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD)“…Washington D.C.: Guild Press Ltd.…”
Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD) F/02/016 Archief Roger Vertongen
By Marshall, George
Date 1964
4Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD)“…Washington D.C.: Guild Press Ltd.…”
Fonds Suzan Daniel (FSD) F/02/016 Archief Roger Vertongen
Date 1964
5“…Washington DC: American Psychological Association…”
6“…Washington, DC: Greenpeace…”
7“…Washington, D.C.…”
9“…Washington D.C.…”
10“…Washington DC: Greenpeace…”
11“…Washington, DC: Center for Transatlantic Relations…”
12“…Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Center Press…”
13Oorspronkelijke titel : State of the World 1993“…Washington D.C.: Worldwatch Institute…”
By Brown, Lester R., Flavin, Christopher, Postel, Sandra, Starke, Linda, Huys, Kathleen, Filapek, Rudi
Date 1993
14“…Washington D.C.: Worldwatch Institute…”
15“…[Washington D.C.]: WRI…”
16MAI staat voor Multilateral Agreement on Investment“…Washington D.C.: Friends Of The Earth…”
Met steun van The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation C.S. Fund en The Foundation for ...
By Vallianatos, Mark, Durbin, Andrea, Chan-Fishel, Michelle
Date 1998
17Archief 'Belgische afdeling van de Vierde Internationale' Periodiciteit: tweewekelijks Redactie: Allen Myers (editor) ...“…Washington D.C.…”
Date 1969