4Affiche ontworpen door Mieke Lamiroy, uitgegeven in 1996 door de International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Vision 2000 Fund voor seksuele ...“…These are the five programme areas of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), the largest international organization promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights. In Europe, IPPF is represented by the IPPF European Network, which has 39 member family planning associations. …”
By Lamiroy, Mieke, PhotoDisc, Artefact, IPPF Vision 2000 Fund
Date 1996
5Affiche uitgegeven in 2004 door het United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) voor vrouwenrechten. Afbeelding: close-up van een jonge vrouw. Tekst recto: vote ...“…Ensure that users of sexual and reproductive health programmes, including young people and people living with HIV/AIDS, are fully involved in programme development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. 14. …”
By Real Design Associates, United Nations Population Fund
Date 2004