6Prentbriefkaart in zwart-wit voorstellend twee gemaskerde en gewapende mannen in het struikgewas. Tekst : There can never be peace in ...“…Tekst : There can never be peace in Ireland until the foreign, oppressive British presence is removed, leaving all the Irish peoples as a unit to control their own affairs and determine their own destinies as a sovereign people, free in mind and body, separate and distinct physically, culturally and economically.…”
By Sands, Bobby, The Republican Movement
7Prentbriefkaart in zwart-wit voorstellend ... Tekst : There can never be peace in Ireland until the foreign, oppressive British presence ...“…Tekst : There can never be peace in Ireland until the foreign, oppressive British presence is removed, leaving all the Irish peoples as a unit to control their own affairs and determine their own destinies as a sovereign people, free in mind and body, separate and distinct physically, culturally and economically.…”
By Sands, Bobby, The Republican Movement
8Affiche van Robert Appleton uitgegeven in 1998 voor een tentoonstelling ter ere van de waardigheid van het werk. Afbeelding: zwart-witfotootje van ...“…Organized by 1199's Bread and Roses Cultural Project, Graphic Communication Arts, Washington Irving, Art and Design, ARIP, YALA, ACES, Borough Academy, 1199 / Employer Child Care Fund, New York City Central Labor Council, Project Arts, Educators for Social Responsibility, New York School to Work Alliance, West Manhattan Outreach Center, Manhattan Theatre Club, Rheedlen's Rise and Shine Video, Physical City, EVC and Black Rock Music. Design Robert Appleton.…”
By Appleton, Robert, Bread and Roses Cultural Project, High School of Graphic Communication Arts, Washington Irving High School, High School of Art and Design, ARIP, YALA, ACES, Borough Academy, Employer Child Care Fund, New York City Central Labor Council, New York City Department of Education - Project Arts, Educators for Social Responsibility, New York School to Work Alliance, West Manhattan Outreach Center, Manhattan Theatre Club, Rheedlen's Rise & Shine Productions, School for the Physical City, Educational Video Center (EVC), Black Rock Music
Date 1998